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in AI & Tech




12 Weeks / One class per week

About the Course

Explorations in AI & Tech is tailored for students aged 15-17, offering an immersive journey into advanced technology skills through hands-on projects and creative explorations. This course delves into mobile app development, UX design, website development, and multimedia creation, providing students with valuable skills for the digital age.

Topics to be Explored

  1. Mobile App Development and UX Design: Introduction to mobile app development concepts and platforms. Principles of user experience (UX) design for mobile applications. Hands-on projects to design and develop user-friendly mobile apps.

  2. Website Development: Introduction to web development languages and frameworks. Building responsive and interactive websites. Basics of front-end and back-end web development.

  3. Multimedia Creation: Overview of multimedia elements: text, images, audio, video, and animations. Tools and software for multimedia creation and editing. Design principles for effective multimedia communication.

Key Features

  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry professionals with expertise in mobile app development, UX design, web development, and multimedia creation.

  • Hands-on Projects: Engage in practical projects and assignments to apply newly acquired skills and concepts.

  • Portfolio Development: Build a portfolio of projects showcasing skills in mobile app development, UX design, website development, and multimedia creation.

  • Career Insights: Gain insights into career pathways and opportunities in the fields of technology, design, and digital media.

Session Plan

Sessions 1-4: Mobile App Development and UX Design

  • Introduction to mobile app development platforms and tools.

  • Principles of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design.

  • Designing wireframes and prototypes for mobile apps.

  • Developing and testing a basic mobile app prototype.

Sessions 5-8: Website Development

  • Introduction to web development languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Building responsive and interactive websites using popular frameworks.

  • Integrating multimedia elements into web pages.

  • Deploying and hosting a personal website.

Sessions 9-12: Multimedia Creation

  • Exploring multimedia creation tools and software.

  • Designing and producing multimedia content: graphics, audio, video, and animations.

  • Incorporating multimedia elements into digital projects.

  • Presenting a multimedia portfolio showcasing skills and creativity.

Curriculum at a glance


Suitable for students with basic computer literacy; prior experience in programming or design is helpful but not required.


Basic knowledge

Age Group

Ages 15-17


12 Weeks / One class per week


minutes per session

Course day

Flexible scheduling, including
afternoons and weekends. Contact us for availability.

Type of Course

Interactive Online Sessions


Certificate of completion provided at the end of the course.


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